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4 posts tagged with "Metaverse"

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Cover image of Enjoy Your NFT, Stay Tuned for Next Steps!

· 3 min read

The metaverse without communication is counter-intuitive. Users are disconnected when connecting to digital assets and worlds; Push Protocol aims to change that. With the current web3 experience, it is not practical to expect meaningful and valuable interactions without a robust communication method.

Cover Image of Why Engaging with Users Within the NFTVerse Matters

· 5 min read

With the recent launches of Coinbase NFT, a peer-to-peer NFT marketplace with a personalised social feed feature; and Lens Protocol 🌿 a social graph to build decentralized social media platforms NFTs and the dawn of decentralized censorship-free social media is eventually bound to happen soon.

Cover image of Behold the Metaverse! What is it all about?

· 4 min read

The Metaverse — a digital space of the future where people from all walks of life don upon themselves a digital identity that allows them to interact, socialize and work in a virtual world.

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