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Fetch subscriptions overview

These APIs are useful for fetching list of all channels subscribed by a user and their settings (if any).

Fetch subscriptions API

// userAlice.notification.subscriptions({options?})
const aliceSubscriptions = await userAlice.notification.subscriptions();

Fetch subscriptions parameters

optionsobject--An object containing additional options for subscriptions
-options.accountstring-Account supports a number of address format including wallet addresses, chain agnostic wallet addresses, NFT addresses, etc
-options.pagenumber-A number representing the page of results to retrieve.
-options.limitnumber-Represents the maximum number of subscriptions to retrieve per page

Note: Parameters in this style are mandatory.

Expected response
channel: '0xD8634C39BBFd4033c0d3289C4515275102423681',
user_settings: null,
channel: '0x74415Bc4C4Bf4Baecc2DD372426F0a1D016Fa924',
user_settings: null,
channel: '0x087F5052fBcD7C02DD45fb9907C57F1EccC2bE25',
'[{"type": 1, "user": false, "index": 1, "default": false, "description": "test1"}, {"type": 2, "user": 25, "index": 2, "default": 25, "enabled": 1, "lowerLimit": 23, "upperLimit": 35, "description": "test3"}, {"type": 2, "user": 64, "index": 3, "default": 56, "enabled": 1, "lowerLimit": 43, "upperLimit": 78, "description": "test5"}]',

User settings overview

User settings are optional preferences set by the users when they are subscribing to a channel, provided the channel has enabled settings. User settings are always returned as a response to the API call along with their subscription to the channel.

This allows the channel to trigger notifications for certain categories (setting index) and enables users to choose what notifications they want to receive (for example: user might want to recieve loan liquidation alert when it reaches the threshold but not marketing notifications).


Notification settings are guidelines that a channel should follow, Push nodes will not check for validity of a particular setting though it will filter out setting index (category) that a user has explicitly turned off.

// userAlice.notification.subscriptions({options?})
const aliceSubscriptions = await userAlice.notification.subscriptions()

// response
channel: '0x087F5052fBcD7C02DD45fb9907C57F1EccC2bE25',
user_settings: '[{"type": 1, "user": false, "index": 1, "default": false, "description": "test1"}, {"type": 2, "user": 25, "index": 2, "default": 25, "enabled": 1, "lowerLimit": 23, "upperLimit": 35, "description": "test3"}, {"type": 2, "user": 64, "index": 3, "default": 56, "enabled": 1, "lowerLimit": 43, "upperLimit": 78, "description": "test5"}]'
channel: '0xD8634C39BBFd4033c0d3289C4515275102423681',
user_settings: null

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