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Supported Wallet Standards

Push Notification is chain agnostic and even supports messaging wallet addresses, NFT addresses, all evms (and even non-EVM in the future). Below is the list of evergrowing standards that Push is compatible with, either of which you can use as per your requirements —

Standard Wallet Address

  • Standard Wallet Address - Standard wallet is supported and used by default
  • usage - 0x99A08ac6254dcf7ccc37CeC662aeba8eFA666666
// Sending to standard wallet address - defaults to EVM format
await['0x99A08ac6254dcf7ccc37CeC662aeba8eFA666666'], {
notification: {
title: 'Hello World',
body: 'Web3 native notification!',

Chain Specific Wallet Address

  • Chain Agnostic Wallet Address - Pass {chain_standard}:{chainId}:{account_id} format to use this instead of standard wallet address. SDK converts all normal wallet address to chain agnostic ones by default.
  • usage - eip155:1:0x99A08ac6254dcf7ccc37CeC662aeba8eFA666666
  • usage - eip155:11155111:0x99A08ac6254dcf7ccc37CeC662aeba8eFA666666
  • usage - eip155:137:0x99A08ac6254dcf7ccc37CeC662aeba8eFA666666
// Sending to chain agnostic wallet address, support eip155 currently
notification: {
title: 'Hello World',
body: 'Web3 native notification!',

Lens profile / Cyberconnect profile / Any NFT profile

  • NFT profile - Pass nft:{chain_standard}:{nftChainId}:{nftContractAddress}:{nftTokenId}
  • usage - nft:eip155:11155111:0x42af3147f17239341477113484752D5D3dda997B:2:1683058528
// Sending to nft format, any nfts supported including .lens, .crypto, .polygon or your crypto punks
notification: {
title: 'Hello World',
body: 'Web3 native notification!',

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