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Themization overview

Customisable theme: Change the look of the widgets as per your need.


interface IBorder {
modal?: string;
modalInnerComponents?: string;
sliderThumb?: string;
divider?: string;
image?: string;
interface IBorderRadius {
modal?: string;
modalInnerComponents?: string;
interface IBackgroundColor {
buttonBackground?: string;
buttonDisableBackground?: string;
modalBackground?: string;
toastSuccessBackground?: string;
toastErrorBackground?: string;
toastShadowBackground?: string;
sliderThumbBackground?: string;
sliderActiveBackground?: string;
sliderInActiveBackground?: string;
imageBackgroundColor?: string;

interface ITextColor {
buttonText?: string;
buttonDisableText?: string;
modalHeaderText?: string;
modalTitleText?: string;
modalSubTitleText?: string;
modalHighlightedText?: string;

export interface IWidgetTheme {
borderRadius?: IBorderRadius;

backgroundColor?: IBackgroundColor;

fontFamily?: string;

border?: IBorder;
textColor?: ITextColor;
scrollbarColor?: string;

spinnerColor?: string;

lightWidgetTheme and darkWidgetTheme are available as default but these can be customised as per need.

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