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Integrate Chat Widget V2

Introducing the ChatWidget: a compact yet comprehensive chat experience condensed into widget form , allowing users to initiate conversations with any wallet or group seamlessly.

With its integration into the ChatUIProvider, using the Chat Widget component is as straightforward as any other chat component. Simply wrap it with the ChatUIProvider parent wrapper to leverage its capabilities and provide users with an intuitive and powerful chat experience.

Chat Widget using Push Chat protocol



If you're using Next.js to integrate UI Components, we recommend using Next.js 13 with the latest App Router.

npm install @pushprotocol/uiweb

styled-components is a peerDependency. Please install it in your dApp if you don't have it already! Install @pushprotocol/restapi package as well.

npm install styled-components

npm install @pushprotocol/restapi


Make sure your parent component is wrapped within ChatUIProvider. For example —

import { ChatUIProvider } from "@pushprotocol/uiweb";
import { darkChatTheme } from "@pushprotocol/uiweb";

export function App({ Component }) {
return (
<ChatUIProvider theme={darkChatTheme}>
<Component />


Import the SDK package in the component file where you want to render the chat widget component.

import { ChatWidget, ChatUIProvider } from "@pushprotocol/uiweb";

// Push Chat is interoperable and you can receive it on any of the supported platforms
// We recommend or or Push mobile app

Customization parameters

_ chatId_string-recipient's address or chatId
modalTitlestring'Chat with us!'Modal header title.
welcomeComponentReact.ReactNode-Custom React component that will be displayed if wallet is not connected. This is the welcome screen of the chat widget component.

Note: Parameters in this style are mandatory. Note: Refer ChatUIProvider for details on its paramters.

Advance Usage

You can also customize the chat according to your preference —

import React from 'react';
import { ChatWidget, ChatUIProvider } from '@pushprotocol/uiweb';

return (
chatId="0xd9c1CCAcD4B8a745e191b62BA3fcaD87229CB26d" //chatId or recipient's address
welcomeComponent={<div style={{display: "flex",flexDirection:'column',border:'1px solid black',overflow:'auto',height:'100%',width:'100%'}}>

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