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Initialising Video API Overview

Push Video API abstract away connection and encryption methods to enable seamless video calls between wallets.


  • You need to initialize use and setup video stream before initializing video.
  • You also need to declare data, setData which are essentially a state/variable to hold video call-related data with a callback function to react to changes in video state.

Initialize video API

// state to handle current video call data
const [data, setData] = useState(CONSTANTS.VIDEO.INITIAL_DATA);

//, {options?});
const aliceVideoCall = await, {
stream: stream, // pass the stream object, refer Stream Video
config: {
video: true, // to enable video on start, for frontend use
audio: true, // to enable audio on start, for frontend use
media?: MediaStream, // to pass your existing media stream(for backend use)

Initialize video parameters

onChangeconstant--Function to update the video call data, takes a function as an argument which receives the latest state of data as a param and should return the modified/new state of data
optionsVideoInitializeOptions--configuration properties for initializing the video.
-options.streamPushStream-Option to configure to enable listening to only certain chats or notifications.
-options.config.videoboolean-pass trueto enable video on start, else pass false.
-options.config.audioboolean-pass trueto enable audio on start, else pass false.
-options.mediaMediaStream-Local stream. For backend use. Defaults to null.

Note: Parameters in this style are mandatory.

Understanding Video Lifecycle

data variable

  • The data variable is an object that is used to store all of the video call-related data.
  • It is of type TYPES.VIDEO.DATA and should be initialized with CONSTANTS.VIDEO.INITIAL_DATA.
  • For React-based projects, this would basically be a React state, and for vanilla JS projects, it will be a simple JS variable.

The type TYPES.VIDEO.DATA is described below:

// IMediaStream is a custom type that represents a media stream object or null
type IMediaStream = MediaStream | null;

// VideoCallStatus is an enum that represents different statuses of a video call
// These values are used to indicate the current status of a video call
enum VideoCallStatus {
// call hasn't been started yet

// call has been started by the initiator but not received by the receiver

// call has been received by the receiver but not connected yet

// call has been connected, and both users can interact now
// MediaStream (includes both audio and video) exchange is now possible

// when the call request is denied by the peer (receiver)

// call has been ended by one of the users

// retrying to establish the call from the INITIALIZED state

// retrying to establish the call from the RECEIVED state

type VideoCallData = {
meta: {
// contains meta info of the video call
chatId: string; // unique identifier for every push chat
initiator: {
address: string; // address of the initiator of the call
signal: any; // signal data from the initiator
broadcast?: {
// will be used in Push Spaces
livepeerInfo: any;
hostAddress: string;
coHostAddress: string;
// This property is used to store the info of the local peer/user
local: {
stream: IMediaStream; // the stream object
audio: boolean | null; // whether local audio is on or not
video: boolean | null; // whether local video is on or not
address: string; // address of the local peer/user
incoming: [
// This property is used to store the info of an incoming peer/user
stream: IMediaStream; // the stream object
audio: boolean | null; // whether incoming audio is on or not
video: boolean | null; // whether incoming video is on or not
address: string; // address of the incoming peer/user
status: VideoCallStatus; // video call status with a particular incoming peer
retryCount: number; // no. of retries required in establishing the call

The CONSTANTS.VIDEO.INITIAL_DATA looks like the following:

// As mentioned earlier, this should be used to initialize the data variable.
meta: {
chatId: "",
initiator: {
address: "",
signal: null,
local: {
stream: null,
audio: null,
video: null,
address: "",
incoming: [
stream: null,
audio: null,
video: null,
address: "",
retryCount: 0,

Creating and initializing the data variable is shown below:

import { TYPES, CONSTANTS } from '@pushprotocol/restapi';

// 1. For a vanilla JS project

// 2. For a React project
import { useState } from 'react';
const [data, setData] = useState<TYPES.VIDEO.DATA>(

setData function

  • setData is a function to update the video call data i.e., the data variable.
  • It is of type (fn: (data: TYPES.VIDEO.DATA) => TYPES.VIDEO.DATA) => void and is described below:
- fn function is supplied by the caller of setData()
- fn is a function that accepts current 'data' as input and returns updated 'data'
const setData = (fn: (data: TYPES.VIDEO.DATA) => TYPES.VIDEO.DATA): void => {
- Here, we are passing the current value of 'data' to fn
- The return value of fn() i.e., the updated value of 'data' is assigned back to 'data'
data = fn(data);